FAQ Rules

General FAQ and Rules

Do you offer any retry discounts?

  • We provide discounts for returning clients on their second purchases.

  • If you are disqualified from any of our funding programs:

    We provide a generous 5% discount on your next Challenge, Classic, or Standard Evaluation purchases.

    You will receive the Discount Coupon Code in your termination email, which can be used whenever you decide to rejoin us.

What payment methods are available?

  • Our website primarily accepts payments through credit/debit cards and Crypto payments using USDT/USDC

What happens when I sign up?

Once you sign up, we will send your logins within an hour. If you sign up on the weekend, we will send you the logins by Monday AM (UK Time). If you don’t find your email with the logins, please make sure to double-check your spam folder.

If you still can’t find the login email, please email our support at FFF, [email protected], and one of our team members will send you the logins asap.

What happens when I pass?

Great job! To have your account reviewed, please send an email to [email protected] and include the following information:

1. Account name
2. Account number

After reviewing your account, we will contact you with the next steps. Kindly allow up to 24 hours before sending any follow-up emails.

What Symbols or trading Asset can I trade?

  • Commodities: Gold, Silver, Oil.
  • Major Index Stocks: S&P500, US30, US100, DAX, UK100, F40, JP225, STOXX50, AUS200. 

What are the spreads & commissions on your platform?

Our commissions are $2.25 per lot per side.

Also, we have one of the lowest spreads in the industry, with an average spread of 0.1 pip on EURUSD. Our spreads are also very competitive on indices.

What platforms do you offer?

Currently, we are only offering MetaTrader 5 for Windows and Mac OS.

Do you have a Dashboard?

When signing up, we will provide you with the FFF Proprietary EA Metrix Tool, which You can add directly to your trading chart to help you monitor your performance.

Can I use a VPS for my EA?

Yes, of course.

What KYC documents do I need to provide once funded?

We ask for KYC once passing the Evaluation or challenge to verify your identity.

Therefore, we will ask for one of the following:

01. Proof of Address: Internet Broadband Bill, Utility Bill, Tax Document, or Bank Statement no older than 3 months.

02. Proof of Identity: ID, Passport, or Driving Licence. 

Do you have a Dashboard?

When signing up, we will provide you with the FFF Proprietary Rules & Guidance Tool, which You can add directly to your trading chart to help you monitor your performance during all phases of the Funded Trader Program and avoid violating any rules.

Can I withdraw my profit in Crypto?

Yes, of course! We process Crypto withdrawals using USDT/USDC  within 48-72  hours of the withdrawal request.

How do I pay tax on my profit withdrawals?

All our traders are independent contractors who get the option to withdraw profits monthly. Thus they are responsible for their own taxes in their own respeFFFve countries.

The best way to go about this is to ask an accountant in your city who can give you advice based on your circumstances.

How To Place a Withdrawal

Withdrawals are processed by the funding provider through the client portal.

  • Evaluation accounts are run on demo and are not eligible for withdrawals. Live accounts need to be in profit net of commissions and swap to request a withdrawal.

Payout Day

Withdrawals can now be requested on the 15th and 30th of each month for the one-time fee plan. Withdrawals paid by the funding provider may take a maximum of 5-7 business days to reach you depending on the method Withdrawal methods currently available by our backers are Crypto (BTC, ETH, USDC, USDT) and bank transfer.


These terms and conditions are made in English language. Any other Language translation is provided as a convenience only. In the case of any inconsistency or discrepancy between original English texts and their translation into any other language, as the case may be, original versions of English shall prevail.

  1. If the backer suspects that a client has abused or attempted to abuse any risk management rules or guidelines, or otherwise acted with a lack of good faith towards us, then the company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to deny, withhold or withdraw from that client. If necessary to cancel any terms and conditions with respect to that client, either temporarily or permanently, or terminate that client’s access to the service and/or block that client’s account.
  2. Participation in the traders central funding options is not allowed for persons under the age of 18 or otherwise under the legal age in their country of residence (“Minors”). If found a client is a (“Minor”), the withdrawal request will be refused and account will be canceled.

What is an Active Trading Day?

The Active Trading Days are not calendar days. An Active trading day, or ATD, is counted as the day when you open a new trade on a new day. 

For example, opening a trade on Monday and closing it on Thursday would count as 1 Active trading day. The day that counts was when the trade was opened, not the entire trade duration.

And similarly, if you open 2 or more trades on a certain day, it counts as 1 Active trading day.

So, to achieve the minimum Active trading days Objective, you need to open at least 10 trades on 10 different days for each phase.

It’s crucial to keep track of these Active trading days, so we provide you with our proprietary EA Metrix that you can install on your MT5 to monitor how many Active trading days you have achieved and how many you have left to achieve this Objective.

How is the Profit Target Calculated?

The Profit Target = Initial Account Balance x Profit Target %

The Profit Target represents the sum of Eligible Net Profit after closing all positions and pending orders. Eligible Net Profit consists of the sum of all positions, excluding trades closed in profit without a stop loss, as not using a stop loss violates our funding terms and conditions.

To review the account at the end of each phase, all market and pending orders must be closed once the Profit Target is reached. Upon reaching the profit target in each phase, please close all market and pending orders, then send an email to [email protected] for an account review.

What if I Hit the profit target early in less than the minimum Active trading days?

We use the time requirement to show us that you will be a responsible trader and trust to allocate a larger amount of our capital to you. Carry on trading the same way until you reach the minimum Active trading days requirement.

Is there an inactivity period on any of the funding programs?

There is a 30-day inactivity period on all our funding programs. If a funded account has no trading activity for 30 consecutive days the account will be terminated and archived.

If you plan to take a break from trading for a period of more than 30 days, then please email our support to freeze your account until you’re ready again to continue trading.

Can I leave trades open over the weekend?

Absolutely you can! There are no restrictions on how long you would leave your trades open on all of our funding programs.

Can I Trade during the News?

Absolutely! There is absolutely no restriction on trading the news on any of our funding programs.

We understand how annoying it can be not to be able to trade during market volatility. So we make it available for you to trade during any low, medium, or high-impact news at any time with no restrictions.

Can I use an EAs?

You can trade with any genuine algorithms or EA that you developed or bought to use personally.

However, we prohibit using Martin Gale, High-Frequency Trading, Ultra-Fast Scalping, Latency Arbitrage Trading, Any Tick Scalping Strategies, Copy Trading of other person ‎signals, any Reverse Arbitrage Trading, any Hedge Arbitrage Trading, and the use of any emulators.

Can I use Copy Trading Software?

We encourage independent traders and thinkers who can manage our capital. Therefore, Copy Trading is allowed only if you are copying from your personal trading account into our funded account or from our funded account into other external accounts.
However, you might need to provide proof of this further down the line showing the MT5 statement of the trading account you are copying from to match with the trading account you manage for us. So, you must prove to us that “you” can trade and not others.
Copy trading is prohibited in the following cases:
– When buying an EA online and multiple traders end up using the same EAs resulting in mirrored trading activity and/or copy trading, where the same trades are taken on more than 2 accounts. In such a case, we would contact you and let you know to terminate using such EA.

– Copying other traders’ trades using Social Trading Tools or other copy trading softwares or using challenge or evaluation pass services.

Do you allow Hedging Trades?

Yes! we have no issues with hedging positions. However, you need to be aware that risk is not reduced when hedging positions. Each open position is still considered a new position.

What are the Stop Loss Rules?

Our statistical data has proven that all traders who don’t use a stop loss end up not surviving in trading; therefore, we require you to place a stop loss on every trade inside the MT5 Terminal.
Otherwise, our risk management system will flag these trades as violations, and any trades closed without a stop loss will not count towards the target nor your Active Trading Days. Any profits made without using a stop loss would not be eligible.

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Active Plans Rules